Full publications list
Articles published or forthcoming in peer reviewed journals.
Bouazizi, Y., Oulmakki, O., Savard, L., and Verny, J., (2025) The decline of the wage share in value added: what have we learned from North African firms? Forthcoming in Structural Change and Economic Dynamics.
Cateia, J.V. Sabadini, T., Bittencourt, M and Savard, L. (2025), - Trade and distribution in Guinea-Bissau: a computable general equilibrium analysis, International Economics and Economic Policy. 22(4) (2025).
Morchid, W., Haddad, E.A., & Savard, L. (2024), Measuring the Cost of the European Union’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism on Moroccan Exports, Sustainability. 16(12), pp. 1-19.
Ben Azzeddine, B., F. Hossaini, & Savard, L. (2024), Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Economic Growth in Morocco: A Decoupling Analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production. 450 (141857).
Savard, L., (2024) A socio-economic impact analysis of the political crisis in Burundi with a focus on children: A macro-micro framework, European Journal of Development Research. 36(3), pp. pp. 204-236.
Cateia, J.V. Sabadini Carvalho, T. Bittencourt, M and Savard, L. (2024), -The Impacts of Agricultural Productivity on Structural Transformation, and Poverty Alleviation in Africa: Evidence from Guinea-Bissau, Journal of Productivity Analysis. 61(3), pp 305-320.
Camara, A., and Savard, L. (2024), A Crossed Analysis of Participations in Labor and Grain Markets: Evidence from Malawi, Journal of African Economies.: 33(2), pp. 204-223.
Camara, A., and Savard, L., (2023), Economywide and Distributional Effects of Targeted Agricultural Commercialization Policies An Applied Integrated Micro-Macro Approach, Economic Modelling, 129(106568), 1-13.
Cateia, J.V. Sabadini Carvalho, T. Bittencourt, M and Savard, L., (2023), Potential Economic Impacts of Agricultural Growth in Africa: Evidence from Guinea-Bissau, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 55(3), pp. 492-515.
Cateia, J.V. Sabadini Carvalho, T. Bittencourt, M and Savard, L., (2023), Infrastructure Investment, Funding Schemes, and poverty alleviation in Africa, Journal of International Development. 35(6), pp. 1505-1529.
Camara, A., Goundan, A., Henning, C, Beye, A. and Savard, L. (2023), Joint Market Participation Choices of smallholder farmers and households’ welfare: Evidence from Senegal, Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 13(4), pp. 537-554.
Tchapchet Tchouto, J.E., G. Duthil, L. Savard, and R. D. Ngo Nguéda Radler (2023), Pollution abatement strategy and the dichotomy of "green" versus "non-green" products: A new analytical insight, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 14(3) 2341-2362.
Savard, L. and L. Tiberti (2022), Locally led simulation analyses: Covid-19 impacts and responses for Equity in Developing Countries, International Journal of Microsimulation. 15(3), pp. I-IV.
Abdelkhalek, T., Boccanfuso, D and Savard, L. (2022) Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on monetary child poverty in Morocco, International Journal of Microsimulation.15(3), pp. 15-37.
Fortin, M., Joanis, M. Savard, L. and Kabore, P. (2022), Determination of Quebec's quarterly real GDP and analysis of the business cycle, 1948-1980, Journal of Business Cycle Research. 18(3), pp. 261-288.
Cateia, J.V., Savard, L. and Ataides de Freitas, C. (2022), Economic Impacts of infrastructure investment with different funding mechanisms: evidence from Guinea-Bissau, Cogent Economics & Finance, 10(1), 2101226.
Lemelin, A. and Savard, L. (2022), What do CGE models have to say about Fiscal Reform? Economic Analysis and Policy. 74, pp. 758-774.
Cateia, J.V., Savard, L., and E. de Oliveira Almeida (2022), Impact of Covid-19 Labor Force Participation in Brazil, Cogent Economics & Finance, 10(1), 2116788. DOI: 10.1080/23322039.2022.2116788.
Cateia, J.V., Savard, L., Oliveira de Almeida, E. W. Barbosa (2022), Informality, Trade Facilitation, and Trade Flows: Evidence from Guinea-Bissau, International Journal of Economics and Finance, 14(11), 21-31.
Boccanfuso, D., M. Coulibaly, L. Savard and G. Timilsina (2019), Macroeconomic and Distributional Impact of Jatropha based Biodiesel in Mali, Economies.6(4), pp. 1-22.
Boccanfuso, D., V. Gosselin, J. Goyette, L. Savard and C. Mangoua, (2018), An impact analysis of climate change on the forestry industry in Quebec, Canadian Journal of Forestry Research. 48(2), pp. 216-226.
Lemelin, A. and L. Savard (2017), Un regard sur l’utilisation des modèles d’équilibre général calculable pour l’analyse d’impact de réformes fiscales, Actualité économique. 93(3), pp 367-403.
De Quatrebarbes, C., D. Boccanfuso, L. Savard (2016), Beyond representative households: the macro-micro impact analysis of VAT designs applied to Niger. Economic Modelling, 57, pp. 76-92.
Boccanfuso, D., M. Joanis, P. Richard, L. Savard (2014), A comparative analysis of funding schemes for public infrastructure spending in Quebec, Applied Economics, 46(22), pp. 2653-2664.
Boccanfuso, D., P. Richard and L. Savard, (2013), Parametric and Nonparametric Income Distribution Estimators in CGE Micro-Simulation Modeling, Economic Modelling, 35, pp. 892-899.
Boccanfuso, D. L. Savard, and A. Estache, (2013), The Distributional Impact of Developed Countries’ Climate Change Policies on Senegal: A Macro-Micro CGE Application, Sustainability, 5(6), pp. 2727-2750.
Boccanfuso, D., L. Savard and B. Savy, (2013), Human Capital and Growth: New Evidences from African Data. International Economic Journal. 27(1), pp 55-77.
Estache, A., J.-F. Perrault and L. Savard, (2012), The Impact of Infrastructure Spending in Sub-Saharan Africa: A CGE Modeling Approach. Economics Research International. Vol. 2012 (2012), Article ID 875287, 18 pages.
Boccanfuso, D. and L. Savard, (2012), A Segmented Labour Supply Model Estimation for the Construction of a CGE Micro-simulation Model: An Application to the Philippines, The Journal of Applied Economic Research 6(2): 211-234.
Gagnon, B., R. Leduc, and L. Savard, (2012) From a Conventional to a Sustainable Engineering Design Process: Different Shades of Sustainability, Journal of Engineering Design, 23(1); pp. 49-74. (top 28th of most read paper from the journal).
Mussard, S. and L. Savard, (2012), The Gini Multi-decomposition and the Role of Gini's Transvariation: Application to Partial Trade Liberalization in Philippines, Applied Economics, 44(10); pp. 1235-1249.
Boccanfuso, D., and L. Savard, (2011), The Food Crisis and its Impacts on Poverty in Senegal and Mali: Crossed Destinies, Development Policy Review, 29(2); pp. 211-247.
Paquet, M, et L. Savard, (2011) Impact of Informal Re-exports between Benin and Nigeria: A CGE analysis, African Journal of Economic Policy, 18(1), pp. 139-152.
Boccanfuso, D., A. Estache and L. Savard, (2011) Intra-country distributional impact of policies to fight Climate Change: A survey, Journal of Development Studies, 47(1); pp. 97-117.
Mussard, S. and L. Savard, (2010), Macro/Micro modeling and Gini Multi-decomposition: An application to the Philippines, Journal of Income Distribution, 19(2), 51-78.
Boccanfuso, D., R. A. Missinhoun and L. Savard, (2010) Réformes économiques et croissance pro-pauvre : Une application aux Philippines, Louvain Economic Review, 76(3), 257-288.
Savard, L. (2010). Scaling up Infrastructure Spending in the Philippines: A top-down bottom up micro-simulation approach, International Journal of Microsimulation. 3(1), 43-59.
Boccanfuso, D. and L. Savard, (2010) Analyse d’Impact de la Construction de l’Autoroute Dakar-Thies : un Modèle d’Equilibre Géneral Calculable Multi-Ménages Intégrés Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 29(3-4), 435-464.
Abdelkhalek, T., D. Boccanfuso, and L. Savard (2009) Politiques économiques, pauvreté et inégalités au Maroc : Analyse en équilibre général micro simulé Mondes en Développement. 37(4), 99-118.
Gagnon, B., R. Leduc, and L. Savard. (2009) Sustainable development in engineering: A review of principles and definition of a conceptual framework, Environmental Engineering Sciences 26(10), 1532-1544.
Boccanfuso, D. A. Estache and L. Savard, (2009) Impact analysis of electricity reforms in Mali: A macro-micro analysis, South African Journal of Economics, 77(1),127-147.
Boccanfuso, D. A. Estache, A. and L. Savard, (2009) Water Reform in Senegal: A Distributional Impact Analysis, Journal of African Development. 11(1), 11-39.
Boccanfuso, D. A. Estache and L. Savard, (2009) Impact Analysis of Electricity reforms in Senegal: A macro-micro analysis, Journal of Development Studies. 45(3), 351-375.
Boccanfuso, D., and L. Savard, (2008) Une analyse d’impact économique et social de la cohérence des politiques économiques et aide publique au développement au Sénégal : Un cadre macro-micro, Economie Publique/Public Economics. 22-23(1-2), 273-305.
Boccanfuso, D. B. Decaluwé and L. Savard, (2008) "Poverty, Income Distribution and CGE Micro-simulation Modeling: Does the Functional Form of Distribution Matter?", Journal of Economic Inequality, 6(2), 149-184.
Boccanfuso, D. and L. Savard, (2008) "Groundnut Sector Liberalization in Senegal: A Multi-household CGE Analysis", Oxford Development Studies, 36(2), 159– 186.
Boccanfuso, D. and L. Savard, (2008), « Choc extérieur, productivité, pauvreté et redistribution de revenu au Sénégal : une analyse comparative à partir d’un modèle multi-ménages intégrés », Canadian Journal of African Studies. 42(1), 1-32.
Boccanfuso, D., M. Coulibaly and L. Savard, (2008), Une analyse d’impact économique et social des réformes économiques et de l'aide publique au développement au Mali – Un cadre macro-micro, European Journal of Development Research, 20(3), 518-54
Boccanfuso, D., A. Diagne and L. Savard, (2007) " Un modèle de EGC-micro-simulations appliqué au Sénégal pour l’analyse de pauvreté et distribution de revenu " l’Actualité économique : Revue d’analyse économique. 83(4), 447-495.
Boccanfuso, D. and L. Savard, (2007) Impacts Analysis of Cotton Subsidies on Poverty: A CGE Macro-Accounting Approach, Journal of African Economies. 16(4), 629-659.
Decaluwé, B., L. Savard and E. Thorbecke, (2005) General equilibrium approach for poverty analysis with an application to Cameroon, African Development Review. 17(2), 214-238.
Boccanfuso, D., F. Cabral and L. Savard, (2005) Une analyse d’impacts de la libéralisation de la filière arachide au Sénégal : une application EGC multi-ménages, Perspective Afrique. 1(1), 32-58.
Savard, L. (2005) Poverty and Inequality Analysis within a CGE Framework: A Comparative Analysis of the Representative Agent and Microsimulation Approaches, Development Policy Review, 23(3), 313-332.
Duclos, J.-Y and L. Savard, L. (2004) Introduction: Analyse de la pauvreté en Afrique, Revue d’Économie du Développement, 12(2), pp 5-8.
Savard, L. and É. Adjovi, (1998) «Externalités de la santé et de l’éducation et bien-être : Un MEGC appliqué au Bénin. », l’Actualité économique : Revue d’analyse économique, 74(3), 523-560.
Decaluwé, B., A. Patry and L. Savard, (1998) « Quand l’eau n’est plus un don du ciel: Un modèle d’équilibre général calculable appliqué au Maroc », Revue d’Économie du Développement, 6(3-4), 149-187.
Fortin, B., N. Marceau and L. Savard, (1997) "Taxation, Wage Controls, and the Informal Sector: An Applied General Equilibrium Approach", Journal of Public Economics 66(2), 293-312.
Edited books
Decaluwé, B., A. Martens, and L. Savard « La politique économique du développement et les modèles d’équilibre général calculable ». Presses de l’Université de Montréal collection AUF, Septembre 2001.
Chapters in edited books
Boccanfuso, D., L. Savard and A. Webster (2021) La tarification du carbone au Québec comme stratégie de développement durable; enjeux théoriques et illustrations pratiques, in M. Lafleur (ed.) Les défis de la gestion responsable, Éditions Fides-Éducation, Montréal, 324 pages..
Boccanfuso, D., M. Joanis, M. Paquet, and L. Savard (2016), Une analyse comparative du financement investissements en infrastructures au Québec in M. Joanis (ed.) Québec Économique 6: Le défi des infrastructures, Presse de l’Université Laval, Québec, pp. 185-211.
Cockburn, J., Savard, L. and L. Tiberti, Macro-Micro Models in C. O’Donoghue (ed.), Handbook of Microsimulation Modelling (Contributions to Economic Analysis, Volume 293), Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. Bingley, U.K..V., pp. 275-304.
Boeters, S., Savard, L., (2013). The Labor Market in Computable General Equilibrium Models. In: Dixon, P.B., Jorgenson, D.W. (Eds.), Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling. North Holland, Elsevier B.V., pp. 1645–1718.
Savard, L. (2011) Exploitation des gaz de schiste : occasion ou catastrophe ?, in ed. M. Fahmy, « L’État du Québec 2011 », Édition Boréal, Montréal. pp. 248-255.
Savard, L. (2010), Dépenses en infrastructure publiques et externalités positives de production: Une modélisation en équilibre général appliqué au Québec, in M. Joanis and L. Godbout eds. Le Québec économique 2010, Presses de l’Université Laval, Québec.
Decaluwé, B., A. Patry, L. Savard and E. Thorbecke, (2009), Poverty Analysis Within a General Equilibrium Framework in Fosu, A., G. Mwabu and E. Thorbecke, "Poverty in Africa: Analytical and Policy Perspectives", University of Nairobi Press & AERC, Nairobi Kenya. pp. 127-183.
Bourguignon, F., and L. Savard. (2008), A CGE Integrated Multi-Household Model with Segmented Labor Markets and unemployment in Bourguignon, F., L.A. Pereira da Silva and M. Bussolo, eds. "The Impact of Macroeconomic Policies on Poverty and Income Distribution: Macro-Micro Evaluation Techniques and Tools" Palgrave-Macmillan Publishers Limited, Houndmills.
Decaluwé, B., A. Martens, A. Patry and L. Savard, (2001) « Quand les puits sont à sec, on sait ce que vaut l’eau : le cas du Maroc » In Editors : Decaluwé, B., A. Martens, and L. Savard « La politique économique du développement et les modèles d’équilibre général calculable ». Presses de l’Université de Montréal collection AUF, September 2001.
Decaluwé, B., A. Martens, A. Patry and L. Savard, (2001) « Pour un pauvre, un plat d’attiéké vaut bien un bœuf, ou les démunis dans une économie africaine » In Editors : Decaluwé, B., A. Martens, and L. Savard « La politique économique du développement et les modèles d’équilibre général calculable ». Presses de l’Université de Montréal, collection AUF, September2001.
Other non-edited publications
Joanis, M., Savard, L. and P. Kaboré (2014), Economic History of Quebec over the past six decades. Economic View Point-Desjardins Economics Studies.
Dauphin, A., M.-C. Martin, R. Spence, L. Savard. Fighting Poverty in the Developing Countries: Should the Focus Be on Households or Women? OP-ED IDRC (2002)
Estache, A. and L. Savard, Who bears the burden of environmental policies within countries? July 2008, PREM notes, no. 1 World Bank.
L'aide au secteur de l'automobile Un désastre en perspective. La Tribune. June 17th 2009.
L'immigration, un problème ou une solution? La Tribune, July 15th 2009.
La pauvreté a perdu le Nord! La Tribune. Septembre 16th 2009.
Deux mythes propagés sur la hausse des tarifs d’Hydro-Québec, La Tribune. October 21st 2009.
Les bonnes dépenses et mauvaise dépenses publique, La Tribune. November 18th 2009.
Une proposition pour les négociateurs : Les salaires des fonctionnaires, La Tribune. January 9th 2010.
L'importance de la neutralité du gouvernement dans le dossier des gaz de shiste, La Tribune, September 22nd 2010.
Minuit moins quart pour sauver le long recensement, La Tribune, October 27th 2010.
À qui profite la guerre des devises, La Tribune, November 25th 2010.
Other unpublished reports or working paper
Abdelkhalek T., Ajbilou, A., Benayad, M. Boccanfuso, B. and Savard L. A (2021) How the Digital Economy Can Benefit Morocco and all Moroccans?", ERF Working paper no 1503.
Boccanfuso, D., Coulibaly, M., Savard, L. and Timilsina, G. R., (2013). Macroeconomic and distributional impacts of jatropha-based biodiesel in Mali. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, no. 6500, World Bank, Washington.
Tchapchet Tchouto, J.E., A. Delbosc and L. Savard, (2009) Des politiques environnementales au système de permis d’émission négociables : Etats des lieux en France sous des éclairages théoriques, GREDI Working papers no. 09-09, Université de Sherbrooke.
Makdissi, P., T. Roy and L. Savard, (2008) An ethnic polarization measure with an application to Ivory Coast data, GREDI Working papers no. 08-06, Université de Sherbrooke.
Savard, L. (2005) Impact analysis on tourism sector: A case study of Trinidad and Tobago, A Computable General equilibrium analysis, mimeo GREDI-Price-Waterhouse-Coopers.
Savard, L. (2005) Impact analysis on tourism sector: A case study of Jamaica, A Computable General equilibrium analysis, mimeo GREDI-Price-Waterhouse-Coopers.
Savard, L. " A Segmented Endogenous Labour Market for Poverty, Income Distribution Analysis in a CGE-Household MS model: A Top-Down/Bottom-up approach" Working Paper CIRPEE, Université Laval # 03-43.
Boccanfuso, D. and L. Savard, «A Methodological note on computing FGT indicators from CGE models", CREFA), 2001.
Decaluwé, B., J .C. Dumont and L. Savard, « Mesurer la pauvreté et les inégalités dans un modèle d’équilibre général calculable », Working paper #99-20, Département d’économique, Université Laval, Octobre 1999.
Decaluwé, B., A. Patry and L. Savard, « When Water Is no Longer a Gift of God: Boiteux-Ramsey Vs. Marginal Cost Pricing in Applied General Equilibrium », Working Paper #99-05, CRÉFA, Département d’économique, Université Laval, May 1999.
Decaluwé, B., A. Patry, L. Savard and E. Thorbecke, « Poverty Analysis Within a General Equilibrium Framework », Special Paper Series, AERC, Nairobi Kenya 1999.
Decaluwé, B., A. Patry and L. Savard, « Income Distribution, Poverty Measures and External Shocks : A CGE Model of an Archetype Developing Country », Working Paper #98-12, CRÉFA, Département d’économique, Université Laval, August 1998.