Luc Savard 


Hi, I am a professor of economics at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, based in the Rabat Campus at the FGSES. Previously, I was professor in Sherbrooke University in Quebec-Canada for over 15 years and worked for IDRC-Canada based in the West and Central Africa Office in Senegal for 5 years. I have also been doing consultancy work for the World Bank, ADB, IMF, OECD, UNICEF among others.  I am a specialist in social and economic impact analysis using CGE-microsimulation framework. I hold a PhD from Paris School of Economics.

I am presently working on green fiscal reforms, agricultural policies and public policies.

Recent featured publications 

Bouazizi, Y., Oulmakki, O., Savard, L., and Verny, J., (2025) The decline of the wage share in value added: what have we learned from North African firms? Forthcoming in Structural Change and Economic Dynamics.

Cateia, J.V. Sabadini, T., Bittencourt, M and Savard, L. (2025), - Trade and distribution in Guinea-Bissau: a computable general equilibrium analysis, International Economics and Economic Policy. 22(4) (2025).

Morchid, W., Haddad, E.A., & Savard, L. (2024), Measuring the Cost of the European Union’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism on Moroccan Exports, Sustainability. 16(12), pp. 1-19.

Ben Azzeddine, B., F. Hossaini, and Savard, L. (2024), Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Economic Growth in Morocco: A Decoupling Analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production. 450(141857).

Savard, L., (2024) A socio-economic impact analysis of the political crisis in Burundi with a focus on children: A macro-micro framework, European Journal of Development Research. 36(3), pp. 204-236.

Cateia, J.V. Sabadini Carvalho, T. Bittencourt, M and Savard, L. (2024), -The Impacts of Agricultural Productivity on Structural Transformation, and Poverty Alleviation in Africa: Evidence from Guinea-Bissau, Journal of Productivity Analysis. 61(3), pp 305-320.

Camara, A., and Savard, L. (2024), A Crossed Analysis of Participations in Labor and Grain Markets: Evidence from Malawi, Journal of African Economies. 33(2), 204-223. 

Camara, A., and Savard, L., (2023), Economywide and Distributional Effects of Targeted Agricultural Commercialization Policies An Applied Integrated Micro-Macro Approach, Economic Modelling129(106568), 1-13 .

Cateia, J.V. Sabadini Carvalho, T. Bittencourt, M and Savard, L., (2023), Infrastructure Investment, Funding Schemes, and poverty alleviation in Africa, Journal of International Development. 35(6), pp. 1505-1529 .

Fortin, M., Joanis, M. Savard, L. and Kabore, P. (2022), Determination of Quebec's quarterly real GDP and analysis of the business cycle, 1948-1980, Journal of Business Cycle Research. 18(3), pp. 261-288.

Lemelin, A. and Savard, L. (2022), What do CGE models have to say about Fiscal Reform? Economic Analysis and Policy. 74, pp. 758-774.